Reading images using opencv-python

1 min readJan 7, 2021

In this post, I introduce a way for reading images using opencv-python . Suppose that the Python project will be managed by Pipenv (see my previous post).


You can install opencv-python using pip:

pipenv install opencv-python

If you try to build official software, you should specify the version of package. The version can be found on PyPI. The latest version of opencv-python is at 2021/01/05.

You can specify the version like this:

pipenv install opencv-python~=

Reading image by cv2.imread

You can read images by the function cv2.imread like this:

import cv2

image = cv2.imread('/path/to/imagefile')

Change /path/to/imagefile to the path of your image. After reading image, the variable image above is numpy.ndarray . If you understand how to manipulate numpy.ndarray , you can easily conduct image processing.

Thanks for reading.

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The content might be updated in the future.




Machine Learning Engineer / Youtube streamer. I will share useful information about engineering.